Tuesday, December 31, 2019

I don't wanna end my blog on a negative note, so I decided to write the good things during my younger days.

I was always in my own world when I was younger and the 'boys' that I liked reminded me of the OC (Who remembers that show when they were younger?)

I remembered I found Ryan really cool in the show and the four of them made Rich life so cool and attractive.

I had a great time watching 'The Hills' too when I was younger and wished that I was one of the cool girls like Audrina or sth who loved Justin Bobby, the cool dude haha.

Anyways, I love those Reality shows in the past. It made me think of the world as rosy and rich haha.

I'm usually angsty when I write post like that in my previous post. But I just have to let it out my system to feel better. There might be consequences to what I write but I don't intend to hurt anyone.

Okay, good night friends.


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