Monday, February 15, 2021

 Gratitude will be my next album's name

I'm grateful for life in general. 

I'm thankful to be alive. 

Since young, I knew it was a cold hard world that we live in. People choose wealth, popularity, fame and all things aimless. 

I used to be inquisitive that I surrounded myself with all the colorful people around me. You know that word culture, it comes from people and what I did was surround myself with all the culture so that I understand what the world is. 

It was like a survival for me. I knew this world was not an easy world to be living in. It is a tough world of drama like 'Kin' on Channel 5 series. 

I used to remember listening to ghostly music when I was young and it really scared the wits out of me. Every time a commercial is being aired, the radio or tv always use a very dark scary low toned voice to feature the products. It gave me a sense of fear since young. 

My surroundings too from young, already gave me an indication that this world is not for the faint hearted. And so, I lived a life of fear and insecurities. 

I rather blame myself for the things that happen around me than blame it on others as I knew that I do not not what was going on in God's mind. 

As I grew older, I then understood the complexities of human behaviour and wants. People who always portray a perfect life, you can easily sniff out that it is fake. People who went through hardship will know that life is not what is perceived on pictures.

I then wonder what is the purpose of wealth when the world is so sinful. I rather be wealthy in a sinless world. Perhaps that is the reason why God says that people who follow him will have what they need, not what they want. 

I pray that God will save more people in this world before the world goes to a world of hell and our own device.


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