Friday, February 24, 2017

Sometimes I feel like I am Pikachu. Every I go, there are people. Perhaps its just a Singapore life. Everywhere you go, its like a Poke stop.

Sometimes I feel like Pikachu attracts a varied number of people because they are looking for their soulmate. I feel like I'm like a magnet that attracts people who is looking for that something.

Because I love to look at people. God does the rest of the work.

Sometimes I feel like I'm not in control of my character. Its like I change in different situations even without wanting to try. I just evolve into a character, something like how Pokemons have different breeds of evolve.

You know, people who critic me are horrible players of pokemon. They don't know how to catch Pokemons. They only know how to catch rattatas and pidgeys. Remember 'SSsss..'
(all the snakes only know how to catch rats hehe)

The real players embrace pikachu. The real players know whats going on in every Pokestop.

Next time when I'm in alone, observe whats going on around me. If there is nothing going on means I'm out of the 'Pokemon go' game hehe.

I need my breaks too :P


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