Thursday, December 22, 2016

I pray that people will stop bullying people who are vulnerable or are in minority races. Everyone has a heart, a head and a soul. No one should feel less worthy of, even when they are in a difficult situation in life.

I dislike people who bully those who don't look a certain way or behave a certain way. They don't know that they themselves are lost too. I remembered watching a movie of a rich man who had this stalker who stalks his wife. He blamed on this stalker, saying he is a weirdo etc...

Later in the story, it was said that he used to bully this guy when he was younger. People who bully don't get that the future of the victim being bullied might have a tougher road in life because of that lens being blurred by these big bullies because the big bullies are the ones that can influence the world. They could be lawyers, doctors, people who are well of.

When a person's lense is being destroyed by bullies, the whole world start to think that the weirdo is really a weirdo and his or her life start to become one too.

Those bullies judge. In fact, they do have a lot of power but God is more powerful than them. I used to feel the least powerful person in the world but than I realised why I felt that. The world was a mean world and that was why God got me prepared. My softness was being stepped by people. I start to dread life. Somehow, he was giving me the strength.

Life is a mental battle, The foolish ones battle it physically.


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