Tuesday, June 29, 2021

 I was watching a Youtube video about this guy who moved to Bali, his dream home ended up feeling depressed though it was his dream to be there for years. 

This kinda made me reflect about my life. I always thought of beaches, laid back life like the dream life that I sought as my environment. I still wanted to be able to work and do the things that I love doing but his video kinda got me thinking that perhaps the 'dream life' is not that fantastic after all. 

In the past, I visited many nice houses from students of mine. I used to find their home so glamorous but the more I visit their house, I learn the feeling of existing in their houses and realise that reality of a dream house might not be what we envisioned like in dreams.

You see the nice exteriors and all but when you live in it, the exteriors suddenly hit that there are bills to pay, conflicts might still exist in their families and life goes on. We still need to earn money and survive in this earthly world. 

Thus, people are always in a chase for dollars.

This can be unhealthy. The material world ends up owning the lives of many and with Covid happening, more people are more concerned if they can continue the same lifestyle that they are living (for those hit by the restrictions)

The only way I feel to be out of this rat race of chasing for money is to look to God. He provides...


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