Sunday, September 15, 2019

I haven't been writing for a long time.

I just had an epiphany.. You know the rich people are the ones that house people. What I mean is that if you have money, you are able to house people. This could mean eg:  A Cafe. When You're rich, you can purchase it so people flock to your cafe to spend time there.

I just thinking. If we were to spend time in a 'lifestyle' of the rich, we have exchanged money for a dream and that itself is not wrong on rich men.

Last time I used to have good AND bad perceptions of money. As I grow older, I realised that money is ultimately for the good of mankind.

God uses the bad for the good and the good for the bad. So everything is intertwined.

I've been thinking what I want life to be like in the future. Most people's dream would be to start a family, settle, buy a nice house ..

For me, I too sometimes have a lazy mindset of just making music and letting money come in and just take naps all the time.

God didn't sleep and take naps while we are asleep. He is working 247 for us. I feel privileged to be able to have sleeps and to enjoy this realm of life.

I then question myself what then is the ideal life for myself? I'm still figuring it out but all I know is that I love to impact the world in some way or another, not for my own self glory but just to give abundance to mankind.

I feel that the world is lacking abundance. My dream is to be able to do something that impacts the world. Am still not sure how this would happen in my life but God is real and he uses people to show light to more people.


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