Friday, June 21, 2019

When I was younger, I had so much dreams that the world was so wonderful...
I always had a muse or someone that I admired and it kinda led me to the right path in life.
When I grew older, I realised that the world had people but the people were not as genuine as it was when I was in primary school.
You know when you see people on instagram showing love and hugs.
I would have believed them when I was younger but now I know that some of it is just for instaworthy shots and for show.

Music videos I felt is promoting the bad in people and I question why the world is promoting things that aren't good for society. They make cool bad and girls and boys wanna be bad because they seem cooler to their peers.
I just composed a song called, 'Beautiful awakening'. You can see it on Spotify! :)

I hope my music can touch people or at least change people's perspective that songs can be cool even without visuals and vocals.


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