Saturday, September 29, 2018

I realised that people love to show off virtually everything. They like to show off restaurants, food, friends, kisses, hugs, lol..

Not saying that its wrong or anything. I do feel that it does not sometimes represent a person's real wealth. If you are really rich and you portray that, I do understand.
I too like to share my life snapshots on instagram and sometimes on youtube, especially holidays.

However, I don't mean to show off my 'wealth'. I felt like my wealth will come in my future years. Now, I'm still in my early stage of career. I'm kind of way behind most people who already built up alot of their savings and already has a kid and a family of their own.

I can say I'm a late bloomer in my finance area. You know, a high end bag represent status in the eyes of a woman. I would only buy a high end bag once I have excess cash to spend on. In the mean time, I have to learn importance of money first.


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