Friday, November 11, 2016

I came down the steps. There was no handles going down the invisible stairs. I came down step by step and met souls along the way. I didn't know who they were but I only vaguely remember how they look in gameboy form. As I entered into this coloured realm which is what we called life, experiences start to reveal to me.

The world is like the universe, cold and lonely. I think that we are only at the start of life. The story has just started only. Life is nothing without these encounters I had when I was going down the stairs. 

Answers are around you. That is why God says treat and love others more than you love yourself because life is nothing without these encounters. There is no story without these encounters. Life after all is about bondages. 

People critic Donald Trump a lot. I don't really read the politics etc... but I can tell that he is a good father. I had this dream that I was a baby in his house. He had nice wall embellishment. Lush decor and goldness. A feeling of Luxury. Donald Trump seem to air lots of negativity about people in the press. Its a fact that life has many stereotypes and maybe he has had bad encounters. I don't think he meant it in general masses. What I felt was a sense of protection when I was that 'baby' under Donald Trump's care in my dream. I believed he do have a good daddy heart. 

I believe in dreams - that there is a message in it. 

I don't say I support Donald or Hilary but I say that I believe that there can still be goodness in this world with a rule of Donald. It might not be good to every race and country but step by step things will get better for all races I felt. 


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