Saturday, July 30, 2022

 Life is short

I think most youths spend most of their beautiful looking time with humans, which is great

Its like a time when they are most appreciated as they have looks, beauty...

I on the other hand, feel like I need to spend more time with myself right now.

I've always wondered what I've always been seeking

I then realised I seek the scripture of life.

With things back in a norm right now and technology encouraging people to party and have fun, I used to think that I'm losing out all the fun.

Now that I'm kinda like wiser, those fun in the clubs are empty ways of appreciation from the other party.

It could just be my perspective.

I also used to think that if I don't go out and have my kind of fun, I'm losing out in life.

Now, all I wanna go is just spend time with my bed and have more time resting.

I still love going out but in a way that is God's way.

Friday, July 15, 2022

 The world judges people based on their social status

I've been working right now in the customer service line. I know being a teacher demands a level of respect compared to a customer service job.

But this got me thinking about the right vehicle to get more riches

People pay so much for music lessons and  I was just thinking to myself, A Musician's life is not an easy life so most people who learn music don't end up doing Music as their 'Career' 

Yet Teaching Music can earn you good money but you have to work like a Bumble bee.

I was doing freelance for 4 years and I'm even surprised that I went through 4 years of kind like my own 'business'

The Title of the job has become so Judged upon. A teacher might earn about the same income as someone who perhaps does engineering but Teaching Music I felt requires alot more attention to the profession and a lot of passion. 

I know the title of a job strikes the ego and makes a person feel more 'Mighty' but I hope that one day, every individual wouldn't need to rely on titles to make a human feel more needed in society. 

Anyways, just my take on the two different worlds of a full time job and a freelance job.

Monday, July 4, 2022

This was me when I was super young. I chose the cuter pic of me. :)
From a very young age, I already knew that the devil was against me. 
I knew the world was a cold one.
I was a quiet girl but I knew there was a conspiracy 
A Conspiracy between the evil and good
I wonder where all my cuteness went to
The devil took it away
As years pass by, God is slowly revealing my real self
He hide me to protect me
My body reacted to the surrounding, like a defensive mechanism
He hide me so well but the devil knew
God always went before me
No one can win God
The devil is slowly fleeing away
I thank God that the nightmare has lessen
The future will be a better one
As I grow older, I know that a lot was taken from me
But God reigns and he always will

My most popular song by far

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