Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

My new album is out! Its called, 'Your royal highness'. You can search on Spotify to see the full album~ Cheers!

Monday, July 13, 2020

Last night, I dreamt I was in hell. It wasn't a pleasant feeling and I felt so trapped in the dream.
I dreamt that there were many levels in this building called hell.
The first few floors were more of simple hell, which means bad but not the super bad hell. The higher you go, the more powerful you are but the worst sins are higher up in the level. I did not visit the higher levels.
I dreamt that I was in one of those floors where there was a restaurant table. I was sitting on one of those chairs like eating in a restaurant. As I was eating, something was scratching my back, some sort of like tattoo kinda feeling, a pain that was marked behind me.

I felt like that resembles the reality of life. We sometimes want to look good, eating in high end restaurants, portraying the high life. That I thought was okay before my dream but that dream kinda told me the deeper meaning behind the idea of 'image'. It kinds entraps you into thinking that you are enjoying yourself when actually there is a devil scratching your back with ego.

It was a scary dream. It felt like God was not there and the only thing that keeps people in hell going was that they have to give something up to reach the highest levels and the highest levels were not pleasant. It involves blood and tears. I was glad I did not see what was happening on the higher levels.

I'm glad that Earth is like a place of both. God gives you the choice to which way you want to go. Heaven or hell. Hell was scary in my dream and it freaked me out.

I wanted to share this here because I feel it is like a testimony of my own that I hope people can read and know that not everything on Earth that seems cool IS really cool. There were many people that were in that building of 'Hell' and I think that idea of it is scary.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

It has been awhile since I had fun.. 
The devils rob us of our freedom to have fun. 
In our society, it is not just about humans but there is also alot going on in the spiritual world I believe. 
The world as we know is in quite a mess. 
My world used to be much simpler I remembered only to find that the world is really a complicated mess in thoughts and agendas.
Shame has been brought to the ones who are vulnerable. 
And they bring in to them so that they can continue to have their fun in life and be selfish about their own needs 
I don't think God is really happy with the people of this world. 
It is nothing cool about being selfish
I have always wanted to find genuine friends in this world but somehow, I'm left with much disappointment in the friends I made. 
A boyfriend would be tougher as this world of men is of this world, not of God. 

I really pray for the innocent children and hope they don't get misled by this bunch of generation that I feel has nothing to be proud of. 

My most popular song by far

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