Music is about bringing people together but in most cases, its for $$ and for certain people to get rich.
However, the reason behind music ultimately is a cry and message for help or a message to a certain love one.
Once the reasons for making music are gone, there's no reason to compose and create.
I believe that the world is making composing and musicianship more accessible to the public in the future is because people are running out of intentions to create and make music.
thus, making it more easily available for the public to discover what we call as 'talent'
In short, its not talent we are finding but love and real genuine intentions behind music.
Thank you God..You made the world rich and then scarce with resources because you know who are the ones that are your sheeps and your children who do you good.
Without Music, the world is just like a whole system of consumers or suckers for 'food' 'love' and 'comfort'
Music to me is like food. Without music, the world will be a world of movement without oxygen, a world of no romance and a world of chaos.
My mission now in life is to be able to bring that bond to people of people, through music and also to form communities that not necessarily need to love me, but just to bring people with similarities together
My mission is to be able to shine some light to the world of 'looking at my hp' and the world of 'I want this' 'I want that'.
My mission is to be able to share a shared feeling among people so that people will feel comforted with God's food 'Love and music'
God is there for me and for people out there who are lost. He uses me despite my imperfections and flaws to show people I don't know what but I know he is doing something everyday through me as an instrument be it good or bad for you.